It's coming to 8yrs since I first arrived into Singapore. Before I arrived here, I was told that Singapore is a country where the government expects alot from the citizen. Through the conversation from my family members and relatives, it is understandable the expectation from the government to imposed certain rules and regulation to the country. This is to safeguard the interest and the future benefit of the younger generation. I can't compare the situation that I am experiencing right now to my home country where my roots belong to. Which I felt that many of us as a migrant to Singapore felt the same way too.
Through this times where I had spend my 8 years here, its considerable to say that I have seen many different things as well as understanding how such things happened in the society. Where such hierarchy of social factor that comes into place, it is well important to know and to understand that we are lucky and to be thankful of who am I at the current presence state.
I am writing this while I got inspired by the person most precious to me, the one who I wish to treasure for the rest of my life. While I shared my joy with my colleague, it struck me in my head that which I thought I am the only one seeing this, but actually this happens everywhere in the world.
Did anyone of us know that the world is so real? It is so real that money is the root of all evil. Without money, the world will not turn around. The world economy will not tumble like a little snow ball causing an avalanche. For some reason from the big brothers in the United States who wants the money and that causes many of us from the other side of the world to suffer.
But money is not all that we need in our lives. After seeing many events that happened this year as compare to the events I experienced a couple of years back, I could truely say that this year alone, I have seen the rich, the middle class and the poor. The rich are so rich that money to them is just an object for them to use. Money is also an object for them to splurge which makes their younger generation failed to analyze the importance of money and to them, money is just another part of their life without knowing the true value of it.
But nevermind about that, it makes me angry when it comes to the topic of money. I have seen the other side of the world without the need to worry of the importance of money. Which many of us who were there, we understand the lives of these group of people. Sometimes, simple lives means simple mind.
Nevertheless, my statement here is living modest provides the best for yourself and your family.
I have been visiting my gf's family regularly recently which I make a point to visit them at least once a week to say hi and also to have a meal with them. As far as I am concern, I would like to maintain such practice for a long period of time. Both of us felt as though that we have been married for years and we are actually behaving like a married couple. I enjoyed the company of hers as well as her family and her extended family.
Looking at her family again, it makes me to take a step back and to understand more on my argument I stated in my early topic which makes me think that every single family in Singapore is almost perfect. But having to know her and her family, I have to say the experience has proved me wrong where in every part of this world, what I believe that cohesiveness bring forth a balance society of rich, mid and the poor. Living harmoniously and to bring peace and opportunity for everyone.
What I have experienced for the past few months, it is priceless. Money can not buy such experiences. When I was younger, stories such as drugs, abuse, divorce and etc seems so fictional. I have never thought that I would have to see such things right in front of my own eyes. I mean it did not happened right in front of my own eyes, but the people who are going through it are all around me every single day now.
Such fiction turns realitygaves me the interest to look further into how actually a society works. How it forms, how did it happened, how did it occured and etc. Did anyone of us actually open our eyes to see the world enough and to be brave enough to say that I am not afraid of what comes forth.
I solely believe that no matter your age is, your vision to the world is just a window frame that builds upon the glass every inch a day. It is the effort that you place in your heart to understand what is happening right now at the very second of you sitting in front of your computer.
Think of what you can learn, think of what you can contribute and finally think of who you really are. And to the one I am in relationship now, I wish to treasure you for the rest of my life and to spend as much time as possible together and to work things out for our future.
Love you always.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Cruelty and the exploited
Posted by
11:55 PM
Monday, August 17, 2009
baby im amazed by you..
Posted by
12:27 AM
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
This is Emily, and today is the day which I was given a chance to cook for her. I enjoyed her company alot. Thanks to her elder sister who brought her back home. Gave her English tuition and hope she will do well in her studies. Good Luck Emily!
Posted by
11:35 PM
Thursday, July 30, 2009
You just asked..
"What if you never recover"
Dear, I will try to ensure that you recover to your optimum ok?
I really hope you recover soon..will you recover yourself for me?
Posted by
11:01 PM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
You and I...
This week is a tough week but I am glad that you were there for me.
I want to know the truth...
Rebound or pure attachment? Or am I into it impulsively?
Posted by
1:01 AM
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
You and I
Posted by
10:54 PM
Saturday, July 4, 2009
You and I
For the past 15 days, we had spend the time together which I really wished that I could spend more than what I had just did which due to our position that does not permit us to be as close as possible. Missing the days when each night you will be at my hotel doorstep to wish me good night.
I hope you feel the same way of what I am feeling right now. Holding on to your hand everynight seems to be like the blanket that keeps us warm through out the night. And the pat on the cheek is just like forever...
Darl, I do cherish all the moments that we spend. Esp the bus ride up the mountain. The ups and downs that we had, the smile that both of draws on each others face and the frustration that both of us endure.
Missing you each moment...
Posted by
12:34 AM
Friday, June 5, 2009
I think I made a mistake...yet again..every weekend, the feeling will surface..yet again..
Posted by
11:23 PM
Monday, June 1, 2009
I had just spoken to my sister while we were watching Transformers at home. the first version.
Recently, I watched this movie about Americans who were denied health care by their insurance coverage and most of the patients died because of insurance policy just simply telling them that its experimental.
I felt the same way today, I do not know why today, but I just felt it today and thinking through the number of students I denied them from getting educations. But this education is not simply the vernicular education, but its the specialize course that I am conducting in this institution.
My story started off with this student who was in my class for over a year and due to unforeseen circumstances, I denied him from furthering his education due to some his personal attributes which I got confused overtime. All of us know that this particular student possesses certain characteristic which makes him special among his classmates.
We know this, and we tried our best to take action so not to make the situation worsen. But eventually, there is nothing much I can do about as I know he could not be save by us anymore. Which the last resort is to have him in into the National Service. I know that is not the only last resort he is going into but we have no choice for him to undergo some training. Its the look in his eyes that he sad that he was very disappointed with himself and he did teared after we lead him out from the office.
I will not be able to reveal further about the exact details of him, but ultimately, I felt that every single paper that I signed for my students to be denied an education, I felt that it makes me feel guilty of not trying my very best to advise and to change their perception as a lecturer.
I just feel sad...
Posted by
10:54 PM
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Posted by
11:34 PM
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Posted by
11:42 PM
January to May
Posted by
11:16 PM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Posted by
2:44 AM
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Downturn of World Financial Crisis

CREATIVE ACCOUNTING defined as a euphemism that practices by specific groups of managers with drawn intention by altering corporate accounting statement with the actual financial statement. Deviating from the basic rule of accounting with specific intention by falsifying data is against the law.
Account Misrepresentation
Such activities that lead to account misrepresentation are done systematically by managers to attract investment from stakeholders in becoming their stockholders. Managers falsified data in several ways namely inflating profits in assets and net income statement or drastically understate earnings for the benefit of the higher management.
In 2002, Quest Communication and Freddie Mac, United States of America was found guilty of creative accounting. These two Wall Street giants had illegally misrepresented and declared their financial statements and status. Quest Communication inflated their revenues to attract investors into the accounts. While Freddie Mac understates their earnings with the intention of the top management benefiting from the earnings while posting high annual bonuses among themselves.
Corporate Integrity and Principle of Prudence
The question of corporate integrity and negligence surfaces in the account misrepresentation occurred in the strings of creative accounting scenes among the Wall Streets giants right after the global economic recovery from 2000 to 2003. In the case of Quest Communication, ignorance and lack of internal control in safeguarding the assets mislead the managers into such activities. At the juncture of peak dot com boom, Quest Communication suffers weak working capital and in series of troubled bad debts. Based on the situation to save the company from bankruptcy, the managers decide to deviate from the basic rule and going against the principle of prudence by inflating their net worth to generate higher income and to stay competitive in the market. [1]
Earning Management
Large corporations adopt Earning Management method which involves managers in safeguarding the economic performance and structuring the company portfolio to gain confidence of investors. This method at certain condition, position the company’s credibility and performance in within its capability. An example was the disclosures of key ratio in large corporation such as Singapore Airlines in its annual report by lowering its key asset value to increase its profitability and to gain the trust of their stockholders and stakeholders.
Adjustments are made in within the loopholes of the financial accounting to produce a non-realistic financial statement with intention to project a desired outcome of satisfactory financial health status. Such behaviors are drawn by fundamental intentions in effect towards the financial statements.
Market Expectations
While maintaining the industry expectations, managers play a critical role in conforming towards the principle of full disclosure and materiality in the disclosure of company’s financial health status. In the desire to achieve a higher market expectation, negligence and personal integrity are ignored especially at critical times such as credit crunch and economic downturn arouses managers in preventing corporate debts turning into toxic assets.
The introduction of hedge funds and stock options as compensation packages are examples of creative accounting that enable large corporations to generate higher net worth in the Return of Investment. On surface, it may look as though it increase the net worth of the corporation but in contrary, such compensation packages that are offered are used as a stepping stone to bailout unhealthy financial statements. [2]
Personal Realization Bonus
Inflating profits in financial statements and annual reports are some critical examples of creative accounting. It is conducted intentionally to fraud the asset of the organization in personal favor. Such incident could be seen largely in the recent global financial crisis where familiar faces such as Bernard Madoff and Stanley O’Neil are on the top list in creating personal wealth through laundering asset of through their responsibilities in the organization. This shows that principle of sincerity is not practice in reporting the reality of the financial status of the company.
Maintenance in Position within the Market
Principle of prudence aims to show the reality of one firm should paint a pretty picture in comparison to its actual fact. While top management decides on such activities due to business downturn and yet trying its best in gaining the confidence and trust from the stakeholder to maintain its position in the marketplace. One example quotable situation is from the WorldCom incident. While in the downturn, the finance department painted a false picture on its financial status and its profitability with an intention to increase the stock prices of WorldCom. The accountability and the individual negligence of act places the company in jeopardy towards its list of stockholders and stakeholders.
Principle of accounting dated back to tradition where with an objective of providing financial statement and maintaining a healthy financial status throughout its business development is crucial to stay vigilant and prudence in the marketplace. Financial controllers are bind within the principal of regularity which is defined to the conformity of law and regulations. Creative accounting and earning management is not encouraged even when crisis happens.
[1] Quest Communication, United States of America 2002 in reference from
[2] Hedge Funds and stock options in reference from publication of Bloomberg Market, March 2009
Posted by
3:56 PM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2008 is indeed an eventful year for everyone of us. With impacts from food contamination to global economic unstability. We had also seen the much sadder news of the ever attacked by the group of terrorist in Mumbai that kills my friend's colleague. Sad~
The oriental believes that the figure 8 is supposed to bring luck and prosperity to the society but it got worst. The situation is much uncontrollable in comparison to 1998 global economy crisis or the 1988 world political crisis. Do we ever think about what will happen in 2018, 2028 and beyond? How will the next generation to survive the next downturn?
It is a debate among the people around what will happen to Earth and the residence of Earth in times to come? Mars has always been known to the planet closest to Earth. Are we all had a plan to evacuate to Mars if Earth are no longer inhabitable? With the erratic behavior of Mother Nature towards the environment causing much alarming global warming on Earth. Do we all ever thought of that we human are the root to what we had now?
It was when early this year that I watched the documentary by Al Gore - The Inconvenient Truth. And at the later of the year, a report shown that Al Gore had places much effort in reducing global warming, but indeed the report says that his house consumes at least 20% more energy compare to other houses in similar composition.
But I have to say that, Al Gore and the environmentalist had made an effort to make people realize the importance of conserving the balance of the environment for the next generations to come. Personally, if I have the time and the social circle that involves in such activities, I would be pretty much interested to be involved in the conservation project driven on a global initiatives in promoting green environment.
2008 & career
Today is the last day of 2008 and this is the year in making a major decision to have a focus changed in career path. This is a year of achievement to me in enriching my knowledge in business practice and also realizing my potential career as a project manager.
This is also the year which I placed a great load of effort in my career in lecturing and my duty as a project manager. A group of students and I worked alongside to develop a design studio and within 6 months, we had completed at least 8 major design projects. This is trully a rewarding effort which I had placed in for the past few months and the fruit of labor for this year had revealed itself through future sponsorship by the instituition.
As a reward for me this year in my career was to see success after success by my group of students conducting internship as well as traineeship in the design studio. Pleasing to the heart at an achievement that was never thought to be brought alive. Students in and out the studio with a drawn intention had further develop the achievement of this design studio.
Next year will be a difficult year but I hope that nothing should be impossible to handle...
2008 & life
This year was more a career driven year. Friends come and go with the next moment you will get to know another person. Knowing great deal of people is one of the key to success factor in everyone's life. I had got to know a few people which had helped me to realize certain area and also to boost my confidence level.
CJ came back to Singapore this year after completing her studies in London. Lars visits to Asia for the second time again and now he is with Kyle in New Zealand hunting for sheepskins. My buddies are the one who keeps me going and looking forward for things ahead.
Thanks CJ for the wonderful road trip~ is 1600km not 16000km…hahaha…
Need to do more soul searching and seek for love life which will be my next mission…
Good bye 2008
Welcome 2009~
Posted by
12:59 PM